Marilyn Fryer: (937) 378-4583
Father Byers: (937) 446-6453
Infant Baptism:
By appointment (during or after weekend Masses). Call the office for information regarding Baptism preparation and to schedule.
Anyone desiring to enter the Faith Community or become acquainted with the Teachings of the Catholic Church is welcome. Call the office for more information.
Sacrament of Marriage:
Contact the office at least six months before setting a date or reserving a hall to begin your spiritual preparation for Marriage. NO date can be confirmed before meeting with the Pastor.
Sacrament of the Sick:
Contact the office
Communion for the Sick:
Parishioners confined to the home who wish to receive the Eucharist should call the office or the Pastoral Associate.
Religious Education:
Call the DRE or CRE for information
or to register for children's classes.
Adult programs are announced in the bulletin
and on this web-site.
In Case of Emergency:
Call the Parish Office. After regular office hours, call the Pastoral Associate or the Pastor.
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