Please contact the parish office if you are in need in any way:
16 North Fourth Street
Ripley, OH 45167
Hours: Mon. - Fri.: 9AM - 4PM
Phone: (937) 392-1116
Fax: (937) 392-1699
St. Vincent de Paul (Georgetown)
6:30-8:00pm Thurs. evenings
at St. George
St. Vincent de Paul (Ripley) 392-9246
AGAPE Emergency Fund:
(937) 446-3355
Our parish has many opportunities to lend a hand to those less fortunate. Please click on the links below or call the telephone numbers to find out more about the many Volunteer and Service Organizations:
Grand Knight
Ralph Benson:
(937) 515-0776
We are always in need of people to fill in for the various ministries at Mass. Please contact the Parish Office and get involved as a Lector, Altar Server, Eucharistic Minister, Usher, Greeter, etc.
16 North Fourth Street
Ripley, OH 45167
Hours: Mon. - Fri.: 9AM - 4PM
Phone: (937) 392-1116
Fax: (937) 392-1699
E-Mail: Kathy Clifton at: